Wednesday, June 17, 2015

17 June 2015

In Ramadi’s outskirts, strict security measures are still in place and preparations are continuing for the imminent broad-scale campaign to liberate the city. The local police commander announced today that security forces are fully prepared for the ground campaign to liberate the city. 

Meanwhile fierce clashes took place along the city’s southern and southwestern perimeters, in addition to the eastern Husayba area and on towards the riverside areas in northeastern Ramadi.

Iraqi air support has carried out a number of sorties against targets along the perimeter of the city and also in its central districts. So far, Anbar Operations have reported that 7 ISIL gunmen were killed in the clashes and strikes. Meanwhile the city is fully blockaded by security forces. 

In Fallujah today, for the third consecutive day, has been heavily bombarded by mortar fire. The General Hospital has reported that 7 residents were killed and 9 wounded by the ongoing random bombardment exchanges between the security forces controlling the city’s perimeter and the ISIL gunmen who have been holding the city itself for more than a year. 

In Hit township, Iraqi air units have struck a military camp known as the ‘Abu Mus’ab Al-Zarqawi Camp’ in the township’s southwestern sector. There are reports that at least 23 ISIL gunmen, including six of their leaders in the Hit area, were killed there. 

The Defense Minister arrived today in Haditha township. He ordered the urgent dispatch of relief aid to the Haditha and Baghdadi areas. 

In Garma, security forces have infiltrated into the town center, but fierce fighting is continuing for control of the town’s center.

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